WAI USA’s lineup of 2022 programs include a new WaiEducate offering with tracks for aspiring machine learning professionals and entrepreneurs, the return of the WaiHackathon and the breakout of last year’s WaiAccelerate into two components - WaiIncubate, designed for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to develop a Minimum Viable Product, and WaiAccelerate / WaiRaise, designed to prepare entrepreneurs with an established product idea to pitch to investors.
All programs are designed to support aspiring and established female-led or female co-led startups that apply Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Data Science solutions towards the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, promoting ethical leadership and social impact. Programs are provided at no cost and with no equity taken.

The state of diversity in the USA is that women are underrepresented in VC-backed startups and in the AI field. Only 9.2% of VC-backed startup founders are female, while women comprise 50.2% of the working-age US population. Only 12% of leading machine-learning researchers were women in 2018. The truth is private technology companies led by women are more capital-efficient, achieving 35% higher ROI, according to the Kauffman Foundation. Companies founded by women deliver higher revenue—more than 2 times as much per dollar invested—than those founded by men, according to MassChallenge and Boston Consulting Group (BCG). In addition, research also shows that female-led companies are more likely to prioritize socially responsible initiatives and care about underserved communities. Women in AI help to eliminate the potential biases in AI by encouraging diverse team in algorithm, product, and business development.​

From ideation, validation, product development, pitching and fundraising, aspiring founders will conceive, build, and launch their startups in a span of 6 months.
Through the Women in AI's WaiACCELERATE USA 2022 program participants will have access to:
- Exclusive Curriculum Workshops
- Founder Inspiration
- WaiTALK series
- World-Class Mentors
- Partnership Perks
- Complimentary Service Packages
- Investors
- Networking Events
- Graduation Grants
Meet our USA Speakers

Amos Schwartzfarb
Managing Director at Techstars

YJ Lin
Strategic Partnerships @ Dell Technologies

Kim Rath, PhD
Founder & CEO at Topl

Tech Support
Via the partnership with the leading global Tech companies, such as AWS, IBM, and Oracle for Startups, team WaiACCELERATE EU 2022 has also provided the participants with so called “Tech Labs”, offering access to in-depth Tech workshops, on-demand Tech consultations and free Cloud credits.
All of which became highly beneficial to the founders during the prototyping phase and for building their data-centered MVPs.

Meet our USA Partners