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WaiTALK: "A TALE OF TWO CITIES: THE AI Version" - THANK YOU, brisbane!


There was a buzz in Brisbane for the first WaiTALK in Queensland! About 120 AI enthusiasts and experts gathered for an evening full of meaningful conversations.

Our MC, Larene Le Gassick, led an enlightening night of technology, diversity and networking. To begin the night, attendees from a mix of backgrounds, industries and career stages networked over drinks, nibbles and a passion for AI.

The event would not have been possible without our partners and sponsors who shared some of their current projects and opportunities: Queensland AI, Young Women Leaders in AI, WeWork Australia and Max Kelsen.

Our first speaker, Becks Simpson, spoke on her journey from her homebase in Brisbane to the Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms (MILA) in Canada and then on to HAX Xi'An in China and some of the key lessons she learnt along the way.

“You’ll never land a moonshot if you don’t at least try to build a rocket.” – Becks Simpson

Larene followed with a passionate talk on the importance of diversity and a snapshot of the diversity climate of AI in Australia.

“Australian AI research is dominated by men at 92.5%. Let’s talk about that” – Larene Le Gassick

Becks and Larene finished the night with an announcement - the launch of DiversifAI - a company with a vision for a more inclusive future in data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence.


Our next WaiTALK in Australia will take place in Melbourne in July! Stay tuned, more info coming soon.

In the meantime, don’t forget to subscribe on and join our Australian channel.


Connect with our Ambassador for Women in AI in Australia, Beth Carey.

The WAI Team



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